Ordinary person achieved extraordinary success

Let us talk about a person who has achieved extraordinary success even after being ordinary, to provide an easy way from small shopkeepers to big transactions after the lockdown imposed by Shri Narendra Modi government to end corruption and black money. The name that emerged the fastest is Paytm , and its founder is Mr. Vijay Shekhar Sharma . Even before demonetisation, Paytm had a distinct identity for everything from movie tickets to online purchases, but still very few people were informed about its founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma. Today, when Vijay Shekhar Sharma has become a well-known billionaire businessman through Paytm , the interest of common people to know about him has increased a lot.  
success story in English

Vijay Shekhar 's colorful dream and passion 

In fact, the story of Vijay Shekhar Sharma's rise is no less than a fairy tale, which flies in the sky with colorful dreams in its eyes and measures the vast sky as soon as it sees it. Vijay Shekhar Sharma was born in a simple family in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. The household expenses were huge, which could not be met through his father's modest job. This condition of the family made Vijay Shekhar Sharma a rebel. He decided at the same time that he would not rest in peace until he became a big and famous person by removing the poor of his house. This kind of stubbornness made Vijay Shekhar Sharma, an ordinary boy from a humble family, an extraordinary human being. Today he is the owner of App base software company like Paytm and One97 . He is counted among the successful and prosperous people of the world. 

To get ahead in life it is  necessary to have desire and passion

Sharing his success, Vijay Shekhar Sharma says, " Work is only work. Specially there is only human desire . Desire should not be limited to desire, it needs a passion in itself. If you If you can create passion inside you, you can achieve everything that is considered almost impossible to achieve." 

Vijay Shekhar 's siblings and their hobbies 

Vijay was the third child of his parents, two sisters were elder and one brother, who was younger., Due to the problem of daily bread, the father was busy with work throughout the day, so he did not have enough time to spend time with his children. In this situation, Vijay made his elder sisters his friends and teachers. When the sisters used to sit to study, Vijay also used to sit with them to study while playing games. In this way, studies also became a game, when the sisters went to school to study, Vijay used to hang on to their bag and insisted on his mother that he too has to go to school. When the time came, he also went to school. The family was simple, so his education was also done in a Hindi medium government school. Today, even though it is believed that one cannot become a great person in life without studying in English medium, but Vijay, who is fond of reading and writing, also dispelled the misconception that one who studies Hindi cannot become a great person. 

Engineering studies in English became a mountain  and failed

At the time when Vijay's education initiation was going on, at that time it was generally prevalent in all the families that if children want to get a good job then it is necessary to give them medical or engineering education. Due to this thought, his father got him admitted in engineering college, since Vijay had studied through Hindi medium, so he found engineering studies in English difficult than a mountain. Still he did not lose courage. 
On the strength of his courage and intelligence, he tried to pass the examination of Delhi College of Engineering in a respectable manner. He took help from internet to library to learn the knowledge of English. His parents also had big dreams regarding his engineering studies. But when the result of the examination came out, Vijay and his family members were struck like lightning. Due to his failure in one subject in the first year of engineering, his parents could not see their dream coming true. 

Vijay Shekhar 's head is full  of responsibilities

Vijay himself had realized that due to his weakness in English, he would not be able to pass engineering education in a good rank. Still he decided to complete his engineering studies. The faces of two young sisters turned in front of his eyes. The responsibility of their marriage was also on his head. After realizing his family responsibilities in this way, for the first time he felt that he should do something with reading and writing. He had by now acquired proficiency in computers and at the same time he applied for a job after reading an advertisement printed in one. Interviewed and selected. When it came to joining the job, Vijay said that he cannot come to office and work because he has to attend his classes. He said if you don't want to do a job then why waste my time? Vijay apologized to him and said that you So to get my website done, I can do that from home as well. Interestingly, he had gone to seek a job and returned with a business. After getting the business, Vijay along with his friend Harendra started working in the hostel itself. Vijay along with his friend Harendra prepared the business model. The model was that whenever an advertisement for a computer-related job came out, both of them would go there for an interview and bring business in exchange for a job from most places. 

success  in business model

His business model was also very successful. After failing in one subject in the first year of engineering, he was also studying for the next year and was also earning through business. After growing the business, he tried to include all his colleagues in the work, but his friends also refused, saying that if you do not want to study engineering properly, then do not do it. We have to study well and pass. Even after listening to the refusal of friends, Vijay continued in his business. 

His eyes were opened by reading the magazines 

Suddenly one day he got a good English magazine like Forbes and Fortune at a low price. When he read those magazines, his eyes were opened. Through those magazines, he came to know that there are many famous billionaire businessmen in the world who used to be very poor earlier. After reading the inspirational stories of such people, Vijay's eyes also got filled with many types of dreams. 

vijay scolded by parents  

Actually, 1996-97 was the time when many big people were coming forward in the world of computer and internet at a young age. Knowing about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, he was convinced that if such college drop outs can do so much in Silicon Valley then why can't they? After this he set his dream that he too has to do some big work in the world of computer and internet. They 'XS Crop' just like Silicon Valley Formed a company named and got his business card printed. His company started making software and websites for large companies. When Vijay's parents came to know that he was doing business by forming a company, they gave him a good fight. He explained to them that there is a lot of risk in business, so it is better not to do it. Vijay Shekhar did not get angry even after being scolded by his parents. On the contrary, he vowed that he would prove himself by being successful in business. Despite this, his parents did not agree. He said that he should not do business but do job. On father's pressure, Vijay closed his company and started working in a multinational company with good position and salary. After a few days after the job, a voice was heard in his mind that he was not made for the job but for the business. Eventually he left the job and set up the old company with four of his friends. Will prove to Despite this, his parents did not agree. He said that he should not do business but do job. On father's pressure, Vijay closed his company and started working in a multinational company with good position and salary. After a few days after the job, a voice was heard in his mind that he was not made for the job but for the business. Eventually he left the job and set up the old company with four of his friends. Will prove to Despite this, his parents did not agree. He said that he should not do business but do job. On father's pressure, Vijay closed his company and started working in a multinational company with good position and salary. After a few days after the job, a voice was heard in his mind that he was not made for the job but for the business. Eventually he left the job and set up the old company with four of his friends.

Vijay sold his company for 3500000  

 This was the time of the year 2000, when India's internet industry was developing very fast. Many big companies from abroad including India were coming in this area. Vijay's company was very old in this field, so an American company bought his company by giving 35 lakh rupees and a bigger position to earn its roots in India. The company also agreed to share some of the profit. At that time his age was 21 years, after this agreement a lot of money started coming in Vijay's account. When his father came to know about this, he became interested in whether his son was doing something wrong. Knowing something about him, he made people spy on Vijay and found out about him. After all, when his father came to know the reality, he became proud of his son. 

 Vijay Shekhar dream was killed by doing a job

On the other hand, after working for almost a year with the American company, Vijay realized that he was getting money, but his dreams were not being fulfilled which he had insisted to fulfill. They often feel that the American company has tied them in their chains by giving them so much money and killed their dreams. Eventually, he left that work and decided to do his business once again. This time he formed a company named One 97. He worked hard. His experience also came down and his new company started growing rapidly.

vijay shekhar trouble and faith

But it doesn't happen that you are moving ahead and there are no obstacles in your life. Problems came in front of Vijay as well. Telling his experience, he says that our company was running very well, almost all the big companies were in our client list. Having little knowledge of commerce, I could not understand that the company does not grow on the balance sheet, but on the control of incoming cash flow and expenses. I made a mistake. Due to lack of control over the expenditure, the condition of the company started deteriorating within a year. I started taking loans from people. Gradually the borrowings reached up to 8 lakhs. The interest rate reached up to 25 percent. My condition became such that there were only cold drinks and biscuits in the name of food, and in the name of less, went to people's homes and worked to fix computers and internet. The one who used to play in lakhs was now reduced to a daily wage of 500 rupees.

At that time only one thing used to come in my mind that if I could bear the bad times, I would leave the big company and once again if I could not bear it, I would lose my job again.

Shekhar's struggle and success whose name is PAYTM

Vijay bravely faced the bad times and made a way forward, later he sold his 40 percent stake in the company for eight lakh rupees to an acquaintance and with the help of that money, he took the company forward. When the condition of the company became good, he sold his equity for Rs 125 crores, now Vijay was successful and his steps went a long way, he launched a new brand in 2010 named 'Paytm'. Due to his dedication and hard work, today 'Paytm' is counted among the wettest companies of the world. Today, only at the age of 38, Vijay Shekhar Sharma is counted among the billionaires.

My advice

The story of Vijay Shekhar Sharma teaches us that even if you are born in an ordinary family, keep your spirits extraordinary. When the courage is extraordinary, then you will be able to achieve your biggest goal. Difficulties come to test your courage and patience. When you pass this exam, then automatically your success starts.